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Table Top Series
All-Fill manufactures a wide variety of table top labeling machinery. These machines are well suited for containers and products that have unusual shapes and may be difficult to handle. With standard features such as removable tamp pads and adjustable product fixtures, the table top is versatile and easy to change over. We provide affordable base options and fully customized machines. These systems are an excellent choice for startups, first time buyers and operations with limited floor space.

Label Sizes4" standard with 6" option
Production RatesVariety of speed options available
Tool Size ChangeoverTool-less label changeovers, change parts may be required to accommodate different containers
Machine DimensionsTable Top equipment approximately 3' w 2' deep 3' tall
Roll DiameterStandard 12", options available for 16", 18" & 20"
Electrical120 VAC Single Phase, Optional 220 Single or 3 Phase
PneumaticWhen required 60 PSI, @ 3 SCFM
All dimensions and specifications are subject to change without notice. Consult your sales representative or email us at for exact information prior to purchase.